sensual slim queer man dancing in modern studio

‘I Hate Men’

I hate men!

‘We should have the right not to like men,’ says Pauline Harmange, the French writer at the centre of a literary storm.

When Harmange, a French writer and aspiring novelist, published Moi les hommes, je les deteste, a threat by a government official to take legal action to ban Moi les hommes, je les déteste (I Hate Men) made it a sellout. And readers quickly snapped up the first 450-copy print run, as also the following two reprints. Now 2,500 copies.

But this has been said before, ladies!

What do you think? For instance, do think Pauline Harmange has the right to write about what she feels? And do you think that what she’s actually saying is that she hates male domination, patriarchy, the undying brotherhood, call it what you will? Do you think the French government has a modicum of a right to crack down on her — or on anyone — because of that?

The publisher, Monstrograph, described as a “micropublishing house” run by volunteers, is overwhelmed. Now they say they will not reprint I Hate Men again unless a bigger publisher comes to the rescue.

Pauliine Harmange's book, I hate Men

The Guardian also notes that ‘The book cites statistics from 2018 showing that 96% of people convicted of domestic violence were men.’ And 99% of those convicted of sexual violence were men. “Whereas misandry has never killed anyone,” Harmange writes.

But Harmand is happily married. To a MAN.

I Hate Men

Well folks, I think it’s about time we started having the conversation, at least. Because, as Harmange writes, ‘Misandry exists only as a reaction to misogyny, which is at the root of systemic violence.’

Hey, what if Harmange is really talking about misogyny, systemic sexism and sexual violence, really? And not about individuals?

Let’s talk about this and make our own decisions, cogently, logically and respectfully. But let’s DETEST the French government official who had the arrogance and audacity to think he could muzzle the conversation altogether.



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